Cheesemaker, Steve Dougherty, started The Farmstead Table in 2019 as a farmstead cheese operation in New Tripoli, PA, working with a farmer-partner to raise cows using organic-, pasture-based methods and crafting a variety of ripened, aged, and fresh artisan cheeses. As demand for our cheese grew, so did our need for more space and additional milk. in 2021 we started buying goat milk to make more cheese varieties, and began our hunt for some room to store and age more cheese. In early 2023 we moved our full operation to a new facility in Shoemakersville, PA. This meant leaving our farm location and farming activity behind to better focus on making really good cheese. Our off-farm evolution has allowed us to realize growth and support other "Fantastic Farms" who share our values and raise delicious, nutritious milk.
Our "Fantastic Farms" practice across a spectrum of agricultural methods-- some are certified organic, some are 100% grassfed, all graze on pasture, none use preventative antibiotics, hormones or tie-stall barns. You get the idea!
There are a load of variables we can dwell on when we think about what makes a cheese worthy of our table. At the end of the day we are proud to know the farms we work with are focused on aspects of farming that benefit our health, the animals' well-being, and a stronger, more sustainable food system. -
There are many great producers out there making excellent food. It's our hope that, collectively, these products can have enough of a presence in the marketplace to take a meaningful bite out of the mediocre force driving the larger food industry. To be effective at this we need to create a strong brand and support other brands (not just farms and makers) who share our values and want to make an impact. Pound for pound we hope to displace the joyless, unhealthy food in the weekly grocery basket. And, pound by pound, we're putting something better on the table for everyone.
Cheese is special not 'specialty'. cheese is a value to everyone-- for their health and enjoyment-- everyday. Cheese, along with beer and bread, built the world. It is staple. It doesn't need to be dressed up on a board or paired with something thoughtful. And it certainly doesn't need a photoshoot. Stop putting cheese on a pedestal, and put it on the table!
Our Farmers Market Locations:
Chestnut Hill
at the Mermaid Inn on Germantown Ave. 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays of every month. 9 a.m. - Noon.
Middleton Grange Fairgrounds. 2nd & 4th Saturdays of every month. 9 a.m. - Noon. (Winter: 10am-1pm March/Apr.)
N Edgemont Street at Barrall Park. 2nd & 4th Sundays. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Saturday 9-Noon. Every-other-week rotation: 8/17, 8/31, 9/14, 9/28, 10/12. S. 7th St. Perkasie, PA
Find us in a store...
Berks County, PA
Heart & Hearth Deli (Kutztown)
Kimberton Whole Foods (Wyomissing)
Local Leaf Market (Oley)
Wanamakers General Store (Kempton)
The Farmstead Table (Shoemakersville) Our factory and store
Bucks County, PA
Kimberton Whole Foods (Ottsville)
Chester County, PA
Pigeon Creek Farm (Pottstown)
Red Dog Market (Pottstown)
Harrisburg/Carlisle, PA
Central Wedge (Carlisle)
Rasish & Rye Food Hub (Harrisburg)
Lehigh Valley, PA
Galen Glen Winery (Andreas)
Willow Haven Farm (New Tripoli)
Montgomery County, PA
Kimberton Whole Foods (Collegeville)
Philadelphia Area
Third Wheel Cheese Co.
New York
Callee1945 (Oneida)
Amber Waves Farm (Amagansett)
D.C., Maryland, Virginia
Paste & Rind Cheese Co. (D.C.)